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Testing Engineer测试工程师
面议 上海 应届毕业生 学历不限
Testing Engineer测试工程师
面议 上海 应届毕业生 学历不限
- Ensure that the laboratory's quality policy is achieved, which includes accurately, promptly, fairly and continuous improvement meet customer's requirement.- Responsible for monitoring and improvement of non-conforming work in laboratory.- Responsible for development, implementation and training effectiveness evaluation of laboratory personnel training program, and continuously monitor the technical capabilities of test technicians to meet the qualification requirements of relevant test authorizations.- Responsible for the preparation, revision, update, and release of work instructions for lab test equipment and test methods, and organize internal training for updates.- Responsible for position skills training for new technicians, organize internal weekly meeting for technical exchange, develop mutual learning and assistance atmosphere, share experiences, and improve team technical skills and knowledge accumulation.- Responsible for team members' monthly performance appraisal, rationalization of proposal collection, evaluation, and formulation of implementation plan.- Responsible for realization of the annual quality objectives of the laboratory. Monthly statistic and monitoring KPI (test order completion rate, test data accuracy rate), timely detection of potential risks, And take corresponding countermeasures. Respond to challenges with a high sense of ownership and responsibility.- Responsible for routine inspection and updating of testing plan for DVP and mass production ensure fulfill customer requirements. Take part in the daily lab testing activity according to the workload if need.- Responsible for the preparation, update, commissioning, releasing and training of local project testing programs. Ensure that the test program is safe, traceable, and available.- Responsible for reviewing laboratory test data and Interpret testing results and able to communicate them with customer if necessary.- Responsible for compilation of internal test reports and archiving of raw data .- Responsible for monthly preventive maintenance of test equipment, regularly verification of accuracy, MSA, calibration. and measurement uncertainty assessment if necessary. - Responsible for monitoring of lab internal housekeeping and environmental conditions to ensure compliance with relevant requirements.- Collaborate with the Eschen laboratory support team, responsible for troubleshoot of test equipment and provide technical support for R
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